a wooden bench on a wood table

Real Spankings for Real Reasons

Seattle, Tacoma, Everett and Bellevue Area Disciplinarian

Please consider taking my survey.

Accountability Through Consequences

Discipline Services

Real Spankings

Looking to experience a real spanking? Afraid of meeting someone off a personal site due to safety concerns. As a real disciplinarian you will experience a very authentic spanking. At the start of the session you will provide me the reason that you deserve to be spanked. Based on your reason for seeing me you will get what the spanking you deserve.

If you're not wanting to be punished for real life reasons and just want to experience the whole process of a spanking without committing to a punishment spanking. A First Time Spanking is for you.

blue denim jeans with brown leather belt
blue denim jeans with brown leather belt

Life Coaching

Support That Makes a Difference

Some may think this is extreme or about sex. I can assure you neither is the case. It's about a genuine desire to experience change or improvement. Consequences are motivating the reward is being able to obtain your goal. I'm seeking to prove how powerful and effective that accountability through consequences can be.

Think about it, as adults we can do whatever we want. The choice to succeed is all yours. Some just aren't motivated to achieve the goals they want. You have nothing to lose except if you don't try. This is purely voluntary so the choice is never taken from you. You either choose to see something through or you don't.

Areas I can help you with
Weight Loss
Forgiveness for past mistakes
Running times
Project management
College grades

Spanking Therapy

Tired of asking your partner to spank you in a meaningful way, only to have them tap you on the bottom a few times during sex. This can leave you frustrated and sad because its not what you need or want. For some a spanking is a way of resetting their balance, centering their psyche, and relieving their stress.

It's all about allowing yourself to be yourself without having to stay in the role of a mother, wife, girlfriend or what other people expect you to say or feel.

woman sitting on black chair in front of glass-panel window with white curtains
woman sitting on black chair in front of glass-panel window with white curtains

Safety and Discretion Assured

If you think your ready for some discipline in your life. Click the button below.

Non disciplinary spanking

Since I've been receiving so many requests for non punishment spanking I've decided to entertain this need. This spanking is for those who wish to be spanked but not at a punishment level. They also prefer to be allowed to keep their panties on, for the spanking. You will still experience the whole process of being spanked but not the pain or embarrassment of a real spanking. If this interests you please reach out to me.

Frequently asked questions

Will you make me cry?

I frequently get the request to make a client cry. While I have had several clients that have cried and even wept, crying is an emotional response that must come from the individual.
If this is something you want to experience I can walk you through a good cry during your punishment but ultimately its emotionally up to you. Email me and we can discuss this further.

Do you spank males?

No. I provide discipline for Females and M/F couples.

How much does it cost?

First sessions are always free. This will give you the ability to determine if we are a good fit before you invest anything monetarily.

Do you use a safe-word?

Yes a safe-word will be provided to you before being disciplined at your request. Many of the women who see me don't wish to have a safe-word and want a genuine spanking experience that they wish to see through till the end.

What else should I know?

Spankings hurt especially when your bottom is bare. It's normal to regret your decision to be spanked during it. Especially when it nears your tolerance limits. I can assure you after it's over and you have time to reflect it will be an experience you will never forget. Remember a real spanking begins when you want it to stop. That is the moment a change can happen.

Can I bring a friend?

Absolutely, You may bring anyone you like to your session. As long as they are comfortable witnessing a real spanking being administered. Or they can be spanked with you

Do you have an age limit?

you need to be 18+ and in good health

Do you ever give maintenance spankings?

Absolutely, I fully understand that many women don't wish to be spanked all the time. They might have partners that aren't interested and because of this they start to crave a spanking. Simply schedule a session with me whenever the urge comes around.

Do you spank so hard that you draw blood?

If skin ever breaks the spanking will immediately stop unless it's a Judicial punishment.

I want to experience a spanking but I can't have any marks. Is that possible?

Yes, that's not a problem. Obviously, you can't experience a genuine punishment spanking and expect to not have marks. But that doesn't mean you can't experience an introduction spanking and not have any marks. Just let me know.

Will you use restraints if the spankee requests it?

Yes you can be firmly secured in place so you see your punishment all the way through.

Do you switch?

No, I am a spanker and switching isn't something I entertain.

Is sexual contact expected?

No, I am a spanker/disciplinarian.

I really want to go through with a session but I'm scared, is that normal?

Yes, that is normal. spankings hurt and you will be in a vulnerable situation. That requires a lot of trust and I will not do anything to break that trust. I can assure your safety, just know this. I'm a spanker that administers spankings, I don't give beatings.

I love my wife and I can't raise my hand to her. Her behavior is out of control sometimes. Will you discipline her for me?

Yes, as long as she consents to me being the disciplinarian on your behalf. After that, simply send her to me to be dealt with. When she returns home to you, she will behave like a lady should.

I deserve to be whipped, is that something you do?

Yes, I'm very experienced using a bull whip and my favorite the dragon tale. You can either choose to have an authentic whipping across your back or bottom.

I'm in a relationship, does that matter to you?

No, I consider myself the same as a masseuse, so your relationship status is no concern of mine. Sometimes partners don't entertain this need or they don't do it in a meaningful way. This doesn't change how much you love them but it can leave your frustrated and sad.

I would prefer to not have any communication or discussion but to simply be spanked, is this something you entertain?

Yes, we will skip all the pleasantries. You know why your here and we will get straight to business when you arrive. You will be spanked and then sent home without a discussion.

Are you male or female?


Will you roleplay?

Yes, please provide me the situation you wish to experience in detail and I will accommodate.

Can I bring my own implement?

Yes, if there is an implement you wish to be spanked with. Just bring it with you. That way when you get home every time you look at that implement it will remind you of the spanking you received.

Punishment Spanking Request


I just wanted to thank you again for the experience you were able to provide me. My bottom is still sore, especially whenever I go to sit down. The punishment has definitely made it easier for me to focus on what I need to do in those areas of my life that we discussed. It also seems like the spanking had some sort of therapeutic effect. I mean, I expected to feel some of the weight of the guilt I was carrying to be lifted, and it was. But I have also just been in a much better mood in general since Sunday. I didn’t expect a spanking to have that sort of long term effect on my mood…. I know I essentially hired you to provide a service, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt so safe while being so vulnerable with someone I had just barely met. I felt like there was a lot of trust cultivated Sunday afternoon. I guess even though I elected to have the ‘One time strict punishment’ as opposed to your lifestyle coaching approach I’ve still kind of come to see you as a mentor or guide of sorts; My disciplinarian. You truly are great at what you do Syngyn, and I really appreciate that. I am absolutely sure I will be back over your lap at some point when I know I need it.​

​- Kaitlynn

Seattle Washington

I contacted you because I was looking to modify some behaviors and control issues that were creating a lot of stress in my life. Syngyn has helped keep me be accountable to my goals and commitment to change these behaviors. I find our sessions help me empower myself and refocus on areas I may be struggling. I feel that he is an empathetic listener committed to helping me achieve the changes I want to make happen. For anyone struggling to alter some undesirable behaviors or habits, I would definitely recommend Syngyn's coaching and discipline expertise. My stress levels have been reduced significantly with his assistance and support.

- Sara

Bellevue Washington

I asked for it and I got it. I wanted a no nonsense punishment spanking. No warm-up. I had cheated on my husband and to prove I was sorry, he suggested I see Syngyn I was so scared but I needed to prove myself and be held accountable for what I did. Not being someone who likes spanking this was a punishment I'll never forget. Syngyn did not hold back from beginning to end. I guarantee you this I will never need to see Syngyn again. I promise, I learned my lesson and I promised my husband Ill never make that mistake again. Obviously this wasn't a turn on or a fantasy for me. It was a very real situation and my bottom was severely marked up and sore. Having said that, Syngyn was a professional from beginning to the moment I left. I never felt unsafe or violated. However I did feel embarrassed and the pain was intense but that is what my husband requested to have happen to me.

- Patricia

Woodinville Washington

I decided that I needed some help motivating myself to get healthier and lose weight. I contacted Syngyn and asked him to help me with this. Basically, I decided I needed to loose 2lbs per week (8lbs a month). Syngyn doesn't offer a weight loss plan or any other weight loss consulting. He strictly makes sure I'm obtaining my monthly goal. It was up to me to develop the weight loss plan to achieve these goals. It was up to him to make sure I stuck to this plan.

Going into this I knew If I missed a goal and was going to be severely punished I would more than likely not show up for my punishment. To ensure this, I put $1,000 cash down that is 100% refundable. If I missed a weigh-in, I would loose this money. I cannot afford to loose that kind of money so it guaranteed I would show up.

At the first weigh-in after developing the plan. He recorded my weight and then explained the process of meeting monthly for a live weigh in. To motivate me and to give me an idea of what to expect I was giving an over the knee, punishment hand spanking. WOW did that hurt more than I thought. It actually seriously motivated me. Especially knowing that if I gained weight at a weigh-in I would receive 20 swats with the paddle after the hand spanking. I knew that would bring me to tears and was going to do everything I could to avoid that from happening.

This motivated me to get on the diet plan from day 1 and I stuck to it for the entire month. We met on a Saturday during the day for the weigh in. I stepped on the scale and I was elated I had lost 8.5lbs.

The following month was a different story. I ended up going out to eat with friends several times and didn't order the healthiest choices. I didn't do any of my exercises and a week before weigh in, I weighted myself at home and I had gained 4.5 lbs. I was horrified and spent the rest of the week trying to loose what I had gained. The day before my weigh in I stepped on the scale and it showed I had gained .3 lbs., my anxiety shot through the roof. I started to panic trying to think of ways to avoid the punishment I was going to get. Unfortunately because I could not lose that $1,000 I had no choice but to attend the weigh-in.

That Saturday I arrived at the weigh in and stepped on the scale. When I looked down it showed I had gained .1 lbs. Syngyn had a displeased look on his face and commanded me to remove my pants and panties. I reluctantly did as he said. He placed me across his knee and gave me a punishment spanking that almost left me in tears. When he was done he told me that for gaining weight I was going to get 20 with the paddle. I was ordered to place my hands on the table and face forward. He then proceeded to give me 20 with the paddle. I was bawling by the final swat. I knew it was my own fault and I was really mad at myself, but I deserved what I got.

The paddling I took and the potential for loosing a $1000 kept me on track for the remaining 3 months on his program. By the time the 4 months were over I had lost 28 lbs. Syngyn returned my $1000 cash. and congratulated me. Overall it was a great experience and one I'll never forget. I plan to use Syngyn to help me meet my savings goals in the future.

- Kandice P.

Maple Valley Washington

Syngyn, thank you very much for our session yesterday. I decided to write this because I believe there are other women in the same situation I am. I'm 19 years old and have been with the same guy since 15, who I love very much. Unfortunately he does not understand that I crave a spanking every so often and if I don't experience one the need starts to become more intense. I've hinted, asked and almost demanded one but my boyfriend just doesn't get it. I've thought about using a personal site to meet someone but I'm afraid of who I might meet and I have no intention of a relationship with anyone other than my boyfriend. So I took a chance and contacted Syngyn. The day of my session I was so nervous I almost threw up in my car before I went in. I had already told him that once the door closes, he will probably have to guide me firmly to get a spanking. I expected it to be no nonsense and honestly, I hoped it would be. So, I went in and as soon as the door closed, he took control of the scene. When he told me to come to him and stand. Oddly I felt his authority and complied. Once I stood next to him. He told me I was going to get a spanking I would never forget. Then he grabbed my hand and threw me over his lap. I was wearing a dress which he spanked me over for a good amount of time. He then told me to stand up and to go stand in the corner. Once over in the corner he told me that I was about to get a very real bare bottom spanking. I was almost shaking inside because the spanking I just got over my dress hurt, and I started to get really nervous how it would feel on the bare skin. I almost started to cry and began regretting my decision, but it was too late. He then ordered me to get back over his knee. Oddly, without hesitation I did just that. He then raised my skirt and yanked my panties down. I was so embarrassed. I only remember him saying "you're going to get it young lady". Then the spanking of my life began. It hurt and was so intense I kicked and yelled out but as we agreed he ignored it. The spanking continued and for the first time in my life I started to really cry. I had tears streaming down my face and hit the limits of what I could take. What I appreciate most is he stopped spanking me at almost that exact moment. I stood up and I was crying and shaking so hard. He told me he would give me a moment to let it decompress. After about 5 minutes he returned with some water and provided some aftercare for my very red throbbing bottom. At first I was mad, but after the 5 minutes, I did decompress and felt satisfaction like I've never felt in my life. That experience will stay with me for a lifetime. Just thinking about that session gives me an almost drug like high.

- Siobhan M

Redmond Washington

Last week I experienced a session with you that I will never forget. I thought it would be a good idea to experience a Judicial caning for stealing from my work and loosing my job. You sentenced me to 6 strokes. The fear of the situation didn't set in until you had me retrained to the bench. When you uttered the words" no going back now" my heart fluttered. Then I felt the cool air hit my bottom when you yanked my panties down. I knew I was exposed and couldn't move any part of my lower body. You then read the sentence and a few seconds after that I heard the whistling of the cane and then the searing pain was way more intense than I imagined. Instincts came over me and I tried to struggle and started crying. Then the second stroke came and I almost fainted. I was only thinking to myself that I made a huge mistake and started really begging you to stop. As per the rules and I understood them going in. You continued till all 6 were given. when you released me I felt all my emotion come out and couldn't stop crying and shaking. Now that its over and I look back on the session it was exactly what I needed. I didn't realize it during the scene but after it's been an incredible once in a lifetime experience and I will cherish it forever. BTW I still have 6 very distinct lines on my bottom that are sore.


- Jodie I

Bothell Washington